The Buried Giant will release on March 2, 2015
The Country of Ice Cream Star released on February 10, 2015
io9 released their list of "Mind-Blowing Science Fiction & Fantasy Books to Watch out for in 2015" in a month-by-month format for easy pre-ordering of new titles. We here at Fiction Unbound like to be up-to-date on the latest sci-fi and fantasy releases so we can be first and loudest to comment on new releases over ye olde water cooler (proverbial or real).
February new releases included A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab, Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear, Something Coming Through by Paul McAuly, The Country of Ice Cream Star by Sandra Newman, Touch by Claire North, Find Me by Laura van den Berg (which we are not so subtly encouraging our fans of The Road, cough Mark Springer cough, to pick up), Get in Trouble: Stories by Kelly Link, and Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman, which CS Peterson will be reviewing in upcoming weeks.
March releases include The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro, which comes out March 2nd (I've pre-ordered! Have you?). Ishiguro will be visiting the Denver Lighthouse Writers Workshop March 27th - 28th through their Inside the Writer's Studio series (tickets still available, I think... maybe like two). And you better believe the Unbound Writers will be there, note-taking devices of choice in hand. Look for our group review of The Buried Giant and our postmortem of his visit on Fiction Unbound in late March.
The ambitious cosplay of devoted fans, contrasted to the quiet insecurities of blockbuster writers.