The Unbound Writers learn that one amongst us is secretly a Time Lord at the MileHiCon. We've all signed on as Ted's companions.
Fiction Unbound is a space to celebrate and explore great writing in speculative fiction—a space where genre and “the Western canon” mean nothing next to story, imagination, and quality.
Do you like elves and aliens, but also good sentences? Do you love big novels, but can’t stand to read another searing, humane chronicle of a marriage in crisis? Welcome. You’re among friends.
Our Mission:
Celebrating and exploring great writing in speculative fiction
Literature knows no bounds
Literature kicks you in the imagination
Pigeon-holes are for pigeons, not books
No pigeon holes. Attribution:
Meet the Unbound Writers:
The Unbound Writers are a collective group of authors writing and reading (mostly) in the speculative fiction genre. Some of us have seen Star Wars too many times, broken the spines on our copies of The Hobbit, and think Ben Wyatt of Parks and Rec is the coolest sitcom character ever. We reside in the Denver Metro Area in beautiful Colorado, where the constant view of the Rocky Mountains makes envisioning new worlds and landscapes an every-day part of life, from commuting to work along the front range, to sitting out on back porches watching snow whip across Long's Peak. The wild world and the imagination call.
Get to know us better at our Contributors page. Learn more about our individual tastes in the realms of speculative fiction by visiting our ever-sparkly introductory blog post here.